Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Japanese Cryptic: On the Bridge

Translated from Japanese by Shishou(師匠)


Cryptic Story


There was a man who would travel across the national-border bridge everyday with a large bag over his shoulder.

Finding his actions suspicious, a policeman decided to investigate him. He asked him to show his bag, inside it the policeman found nothing but sand.

Still, the policeman suspected him so he would check upon him everyday.

Not once did he find anything other than sand in the man's bag.


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  1. Is this some kind of tactic to widen the country by bringing part of the other country "land"? I was told once by my teacher that there is a country who explicitly buy "sand" from another country to widen the country while making the other country get smaller every time.

    1. My thought exactly. But let's think of more of creepy plot twist shall we.

  2. Is he serving as a distraction for someone else?

    1. It just occurred to me. Maybe the man is contemplating suicide. The sand bag could be used to weigh him down.

    2. Haha...dying at international border is a bad idea.

  3. I'm a bit annoyed with myself because I feel like I've heard this before but just can't recall the answer :(

    1. Those aren't ashes right? I suppose the texture would be very different and easy to tell apart

    2. I don't think they are ashes.

  4. The sand is a remain of someone who died from the sand plague because his/her mana got drained! It's all because general hugo's fault! Waaaaait why am I talking about Radiant Historia

    1. Good one, I also play Radiant Historia! Hahaha.

  5. This is that classic joke isn't it? The answer is that the man is smuggling bags.

    1. Oooh the red herring theory, right!

    2. Yep. The joke I read involved bikes instead of bags but it's basically the same thing. The red herring was also bags of sand and he would ride past the border after being searched, allowing him to smuggle the bikes.

      Since no bike is mentioned in this story, I assumed he was smuggling the bags.

    3. Even I don't know the correct answer to this cryptic, but the smuggling bag theory does sound plausible.

  6. if the man smuggling bag... what's the bags for then? my criminal mind can't think of something. the sandbags made of silk? the only scary stuff i could think of is that, assuming that the sand bag is 130 - 150cm long seperated into two section where it was seperated with the kind of cloth to make the sand bag, you can put a mutilated body part in there and cover it with sand, then close the cloth that separated the two section, then put above it another sand. judging from the norm of how the police check on it, there's little chance that the policeman would take out the sand and would only check with their tonfa, the cloth to separate the two section makes it feel that it's the bottom of the sandbag. the corpse must be a vip, the reason the man brought it outside the border was so that the country's law that he was leaving won't work on him, because it's out of their jurisdiction.

    1. Uh that is too good, I shiver when I read the mutilation part haha. But seriously, I used to watch Custom Protection (Indonesian TV Show about illegal stuff or custom thingie smuggled) and after realizing the Anon's explanation about red herring, all I can think is : he sell bags illegally (like to pass through the custom law or something). When it's sand, it's easy to clean and the buyer won't complain much. You know how tricky people could be for money :D

    2. @hemu hemu
      Nice theory there. Even I don't have the correct explanation to this cryptic. The explanation on the Japanese site was that the man was smuggling human organs. But I can't see how it would be possible.
      The two-sectioned bag theory does sound possible
      @Winda Natalie
      If he's selling bags illegally, I reckon they must be made of pretty expensive material like some rare animal skin.

    3. Hey Shishou! You got it. Like human skin. I still like the old joke better though. - The Blue-Tail Fly - An Ancient horror funny song

    4. I bet human skin must be expensive.

  7. Maybe he's the bag for the organs. The police are too focused on the sand bag, so they don't think to search anything else including his body.

  8. The sandbags were probably used or going to be used to protect some sort of flood. He can see the future, or he has foreign forecasters.

    1. Then he would be a good guy, which is something we don't want.

    2. Well, what if he stole the bags to prevent the protection of the place he came from?


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